Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Energy Foundations

    • What is Qi?

    • Types of Qi

    • Vital Substances & Three Treasures

    • Test Your Knowledge

  • 3

    Energy Explained

    • Yin-Yang Theory

    • The 14 Acupuncture Meridians

    • Location of Acupuncture Meridians

    • Five Element Theory

    • Dantians

    • Test Your Knowledge

  • 4

    Harmonizing Energy

    • Types of Disharmony

    • Ways to Manipulate Qi

    • The Sinews & Yoga

    • Meridian Dance

    • Test Your Knowledge

  • 5

    Let's Practice!

    • Yin Practice for the Meridians

  • 6


    • Congratulations!